Hellmouth #4

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: January 15, 2020|Views: 5|


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Buffy and Angel have discovered that Drusilla is not the one leading the demons who are breaking out of the Hellmouth, but rather a captive to an even scarier monster: the Hellmother. Buffy also finally learned that Angel is a vampire – and that the Hellmother needs her blood and Angel’s body to ascend to Earth.

Buffy’s newfound knowledge about Angel has impaired her focus and left her with the desire to continue her quest alone. Angel, wanting to go after her, ends up separated too, giving the Hellmother the opportunity to taunt both of them as she tries to retrieve their blood and body.

Hellmouth #4 (of 5) by Jordie Bellaire and Jeremy Lambert is all about the psychological torture before the big, climactic fight. Buffy and Angel have the common goal of stopping the Hellmother, but are being pulled apart rather than working together. Isolating these heroes is a running theme throughout both of their shows, but the comic has already diverged from the normal path – so will they come together in the end or continue forging their own paths?

Amanda Sheriff
