Heritage-Slater Launch Heritage Americana Website with New Auction

Categories: Auctions & Prices|Published On: April 1, 2005|Views: 12|


With a first auction of over 700 lots, Heritage-Slater is opening their new
website with a bang. Their initial auction of Historical Manuscripts and
Autographs is scheduled to take place in Dallas on April 13, 2005.

new website, www.HeritageAmericana.com
will contain all of Heritage’s great features such as My Want List, Ask an
Expert, and the Permanent Auction Archives. This first auction is valued at
over $2 Million dollars and is scheduled to include over 700 lots.

the items listed will be a U. S. Presidents Autographs Collection in a
Presentation Book, A military document signed by George Washington, the gift and
menu form Mark Twain’s 67th birthday celebration, and a signed
photograph of Geronimo.

For a complete walk through of this truly amazing
list of historical items, please click on the link to their site above.
