Immortal Hulk #5

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: September 5, 2018|Views: 11|


Marvel; $3.99

Bruce Banner, a/k/a the Hulk is alive and he’s trying to hide – which hasn’t worked out so well. Jackie McGee, an ambitious reporter has been looking for him and along the way came in contact with Walter Langkowski, a/k/a Sasquatch. This issue begins in the past with Walter in an Alpha Flight team meeting with Captain Marvel to discuss his current tendency to remain as Sasquatch and whether or not something else is in control of his beastly side.

Back in the present, Hulk and Sasquatch are having one heck of a brawl inside the rapidly destroyed hospital. During the fight, Hulk learns what’s really going on with Sasquatch and who is controlling the menacing figure.

This new series of Immortal Hulk has been a steadily great title. In this issue, Al Ewing brings the expected superhero action but does so through an emotionally complicated situation. The Hulk is a tortured character and this title brings him to life in a Frankenstein-like tragic monster way that is both sad and very interesting.

It’s currently one of my favorite titles and with what happened in this issue, it appears that the motif will continue.

Amanda Sheriff
