John Wick #1
Dynamite; $3.99
John Wick #1 opens in a simple fashion, similar to the first movie – minus the puppy tragedy. It takes place years before John has established his formidable reputation. In this story, he’s seeking revenge for an event that took place during his childhood.
While executing the mission – pun intended – John runs into someone he used to know, making an ally and learning that his current targets are members of the local Continental. And now they know he’s coming after them.
Greg Pack did a good job introducing John Wick to comic books. The tone of the story matches the movie, giving more context through expressions and body language than in dialogue and exposition. It’s hard to depict the action sequences as they appear on-screen, but artist Giovanni Valletta and colorists David Curiel and Inlight Studios did fairly well, considering that difficulty.
–Amanda Sheriff