Marvels X #6
Marvel Comics; $4.99
The mutated masses of New York City are breaking into the Baxter Building, and the heroes make a bold stand to stop them as this Earth X prequel from Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, and Well-Bee concludes. Marvels X has been an enjoyable, page-turner of a read. The pacing, action, and dialogue has been terrific throughout the series, and that’s definitely true for this final issue.
Often an add-on series done years later, even by the same creative team, ends up being disappointing and seems to prove the old axiom “You can’t go home again.” That’s not the case here. Ross and Krueger are tight with the storytelling, and Krueger’s dialogue is superb. Well-Bee’s art is a great match for them. Marvels X is a fantastic set-up for the trilogy of tales that follow (Earth X, Universe X, and Paradise X).
– J.C. Vaughn