Nightwing #92-96
The “Battle for Blüdhaven’s Heart” begins with Dick Grayson spearheading an initiative to open Haven, a safe place where members of the community can hang out and play. But doing something nice for Blüdhaven doesn’t sit well with Roland Desmond, aka Blockbuster, the criminal kingpin who believes that the city belongs to him. Blockbuster will do anything to ruin Haven and keep the city from thriving without his control by using corrupt people in power and enlisting fellow villains to stop, maim, or kill Dick Grayson and Nightwing.
This is arc by Tom Taylor is a refreshingly back to basics superhero story. Dick Grayson is a good guy who wants to help people – not just save them from imminent danger but also to just make their lives better and safer. When his project is threatened, he turns to his Nightwing persona using intelligent investigation and his incredible fighting skills to protect the people.
Each issue of the arc is rich with story and action instead of long speeches or brooding inner monologues. It also spends important time on Dick’s life and relationships, delivering cute, romantic moments with Barbara and poignant scenes with the Bat-Family.
Nightwing is a really good book, and “Battle for Blüdhaven’s Heart” was a top notch entry to the comic.
–Amanda Sheriff