Ninjettes #3

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: November 16, 2022|Views: 15|


Dynamite; $3.99

Ninjettes #3 spends some time getting to know Blanca, the elusive kidnappee who made a break for it only to come back and engage Steph in a fight. As Steph tries to find first aid, and possible allies, Blanca thinks back on her upbringing and instinct for survival.

Writer Fred Van Lente makes things nice and complicated in this issue. Steph, who has been branded as the outcast, wants to help the girl she just injured, while Ceejay has tasked the others with finding here. This issue has shaky alliances and verbal beatdowns that only mean girls can deliver, and more violent confrontations from unstable girls trying to survive.

Ninjettes is like Mean Girls thrown into Battle Royale with less comedy and more blood.

Amanda Sheriff
