RETRO REVIEW: 4001 A.D. New Japan & Beyond

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: October 18, 2023|Views: 14|


Valiant; $14.99

During the summer of 2016 Valiant told an ambitious epic, set in the 41st century. In the year 4001 A.D., New Japan is a city that hovers over Earth, separated into sections that mimic different time periods in history. Father, the human-made sentient being runs the city while his creation Rai is tasked with being the guardian. But Rai learns about the evil within Father, regarding his methods for keeping people in line. When Rai rebels against Father he is banished to the wasteland that is Earth where some have survived and more are falling as Father sends them plummeting from New Japan.

Now, Valiant collects four standalone chapters for the summer event series in 4001 A.D. New Japan & Beyond trade paperback. Rai and Valiant’s heroes X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, and Shadowman, plus others on New Japan, work together on this epic story. War Mother also makes her historic debut.

The event is written by Matt Kindt with art by Clayton Crain. Writers on the project include Robert Venditti, Jeff Lemire, Jody Houser, Rafer Roberts, and Fred Van Lente. The art is by Clayton Henry, Doug Braithwaite, Robert Gill, and Tomas Giorello.

The trade collects 4001 A.D.: X-O Manowar #1, 4001 A.D.: Bloodshot #1, 4001 A.D.: Shadowman #1, and 4001 A.D.: War Mother #1. Each story brings together an important part of the 4001 A.D. event. The writing is intelligent and clever, offering interesting plotlines that postulate complicated moral issues within an action series.

On the art side, each of these issues is gorgeous. The artists managed to combine the clean, sterile appearances of blues and grays in science fiction style with the passion and fire of Rai, the superheroes, and residents of New Japan who are fighting for freedom and safety.

If you didn’t read it last summer, pick up this trade and get started on 4001 A.D.

Amanda Sheriff
