RETRO REVIEW: Fade From Grace #1

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: February 24, 2021|Views: 4|


Beckett Comics; 99¢

Writer Gabriel Benson and artist Jeff Amano teamed up on this highly stylized romantic tale of strange, newfound powers and abilities. Like all of the comics from the short-lived Beckett imprint (such as Ruule: Ganglords of ChinatownRuule: Kiss & Tell, and The Ballad of Sleeping Beauty), the production values run hand-in-hand with the inventiveness of the stories and the seriously diverse and fantastic storytelling. 

This one may be a bit harder to track down in the back issue bins, but if you’re looking for something different, you just found it. There is also a trade paperback collection of the entire miniseries, if you want to go that route.

– J.C. Vaughn
