RETRO REVIEW: The Original Nexus

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: October 11, 2023|Views: 13|


First Comics; $6.95

The Original Nexus (First Comics Graphic Novel #4) reprinted the three issues of the magazine-format B&W first volume of the series that debuted at Capital Comics before moving to First Comics with Volume 2 #7.

The story quickly introduces Nexus, Dave, Sundra Peale, Ambassador Ursala X.X. Imada, and a host of villains in 2481. While it’s main setting is the moon Ylum, the story spans the galaxy. Humanity has gone to the stars and discovered a multitude of other races.

Nexus dreams of mass murderers and once he dreams of them, he must act against them or he begins to experience crippling pain.

As a result, mass murderers, including those in hiding, now live in fear of being the next target of this masked avenger, and the rest of civilization wants to know from where his powers come. Political intrigue, action, adventure, and romance all find their ways into the tightly woven story by writer Mike Baron and artist Steve Rude. Much of the long-running second volume springs from the story elements compellingly laid down in this collection.

– J.C. Vaughn
