Silver Surfer #1, More in Heritage Weekly Auctions
Heritage’s next round of weekly auctions includes the Silver Surfer’s first issue, a Chris Samnee Daredevil illustration, and a copy of Mountain Bike Rally. The Comic Books Select Auction closes on Sunday through Tuesday, November 17-19, 2024, the Video Games Mini-Boss Auction ends on Tuesday, November 19, and the Comic Art & Animation Auction concludes on Wednesday, November 20.
In the comic auction, Heritage is offering The Silver Surfer #1 CGC 9.4 featuring the origin of the Silver Surfer and a cover by John Buscema. Comic Cavalcade #9 CGC 7.0 Davis Crippen (“D” copy) starts with a holiday themed cover of Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern giving a boy presents; it comes from the Christine Farrell Complete DC Collection.
The original auction has the Mike Choi X-Force #26 story page 10 with Nightcrawler crashing into Rogue and Hope Summers while Bastion bursts into the scene with a sonic boom. Chris Samnee’s Daredevil illustration shows the hero jumping off a building as Foggy Nelson clings to him terrified.
The video game auction is off to the races with Mountain Bike Rally WATA 9.6 A+ sealed for Super Nintendo. The game was part of Nintendo and Life Fitness’ “Exertainment” which included a bike to ride while playing the game.