Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes #1
Marvel; $3.99
Felicia Hardy – better known as the Black Cat – has returned to New York in just enough time to make Spider-Man’s life more interesting than it ever needed to be. After Peter catches her sneaking into Fisk’s tower for unknown reasons, he gets caught up in a scheme that involves a local crime family. But he’s also got to contend with something worse: his feelings for Felicia.
This is part of Marvel’s “Gamer-Verse” imprint, and adapts the DLC pack called “The City That Never Sleeps” from 2018’s Spider-Man game for the PlayStation 4. The game was lauded as one of the best superhero titles ever published, and a large part of that was the storytelling. The comic adaptation manages to capture the essence of the story without any meaningless side quests, so if you didn’t play the game but want a really cool Spidey story, definitely look into grabbing this.
-Carrie Wood