Stranger Things: Winter Special #1

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: November 3, 2021|Views: 5|


Dark Horse; $6.99

It’s Christmas Day in 1984, after the events of Stranger Things season two, and everyone is gathering at the Byers house. The boys, Joyce, and Hopper are on a mission to show Eleven what the holiday is all about with the trappings and trimmings of a family Christmas.

The Stranger Things: Winter Special was exactly what I expected it to be: ‘80s nostalgia aimed at the holidays. The boys overwhelm Eleven with suggestions for holiday specials they could watch, and the Stranger Things angle comes into play when Dustin is convinced that something devious is outside. It’s a little early for a Christmas-themed book, in my opinion, but Chris Roberson wrote a nice holiday special for Stranger Things fans.

Amanda Sheriff
