The Overstreet Guide to Cosplay

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: November 25, 2015|Views: 10|


Gemstone Publishing; $15.00

If you attend conventions, it’s easy to see why a book like this would be needed. Cosplay has completely taken over the convention scene, and is as much a part of the nerd culture at large as just about anything else. The Overstreet Guide to Cosplay takes on the many topics that this hobby provides, including the varieties of approaches to costume production, cosplay photography, and even some more controversial subjects such as the “Cosplay is Not Consent” movement.

The great upside to this book is that it manages to be relevant to both newcomers and veterans in the hobby. The tutorials included range from the most basic of sewing projects to more complicated armor and prop-making; the convention guides aim to provide insight into the region the shows take place in, in order to plan a trip effectively. Whether you’re a highly-trained seamstress or just a fan looking to don a costume for your next show, this is a useful resource for you.

Carrie Wood
