Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, ThunderCats, Hooo!
The ThunderCats is an animated TV series about a race of aliens on Earth who look like humanoid cats. Created by Ted Wolf, the show was animated in Japan by Pacific Animation Corporation, then written and voiced in the US, and produced and distributed by Rankin-Bass Productions. ThunderCats ran from 1985 to 1989.
The show began when the ThunderCats left their dying planet Thundera to seek refuge on Earth. Before arriving at their destination, the fleet was attacked by the Mutants of Plun-Darr who destroyed all but the flagship. That vessel carried the Sword of Omens which had the source of the ThunderCats’ power, the Eye of Thundera. To keep the remaining team safe, Jaga volunteered to pilot the ship to Earth while the rest slept through the long journey, and he died of old age by the time they arrived on Earth.
Once on Earth, Lion-O, Cheetara, Panthro, Tygra, WilyKat, WilyKit, and Snarf set up their new home with the help of friendly natives. Unfortunately, the Mutants also landed on Earth, who were then recruited by the sorcerer Mumm-Ra to help him destroy the ThunderCats and get the Eye of Thundera so that he could rule the world.
Capitalizing on the success of the animated series, ThunderCats got their own action figure toy line produced by LJN, and Marvel published a comic series from ’85 to ’88. In the years since the original series, the ThunderCats have appeared in additional comic series, a video game, and two more animated series that ran in 2011 and 2020.