Time Before Time #16

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: September 7, 2022|Views: 13|


Image Comics; $3.99

Considering that it’s a time travel adventure taking place across multiple eras with an assortment of dangers and an array of dire consequences for mistakes, Time Before Time is actually very accessible to new readers, so kudos to writers Rory McConville and Declan Shalvey for that.

They also deserve a nod for (seemingly, at least) tailoring the story arcs to the strengths of their artists. In this case, Eric Zawadzki handles the art on the second of his planned three-issue stint.

The story has been progressing at just about breakneck speed. Now, after months of searching, Nadia has found the Arcola Institute, and things turn out to be even more mysterious than they did before. And as if they didn’t have enough already, Tatsuo and Kevin are ambushed by new enemies.

It’s hard enough to keep time travel stories straight. Add a changing roster of artists, and there’s plenty of room for a story to go off the rails. Time Before Time, though, keeps running true. If you haven’t checked it out, consider doing so NOW.

– J.C. Vaughn
