Time Before Time #28
Image Comics; $3.99
Writers Declan Shalvey and Rory McConville have kept Time Before Time a very compelling series since the first issue, and now that they have reached the penultimate issue, they’re not letting up. This centuries-spanning story has at times bounced between a humorous romp and a deadly serious action-adventure story, and the writers seem to have carried off that balancing act with great skill.
The writers and the series itself have weathered a changing roster of artists following the departure of original illustrator Joe Palmer, and they have mostly succeeded in that without skipping a beat. Palmer is slated to return for next issue’s series finale.
It’s hard to do a review of a time travel story without including spoilers, but if you haven’t at least tried this series, go grab the first trade paperback. If you like it, you won’t be disappointed with what follows, and that definitely includes this issue.
– J.C. Vaughn