Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #22
Marvel; $3.99
Doreen and Nancy have managed to win themselves a dream vacation to none other than the Savage Lands, a nature reserve in Antarctica where dinosaurs walk the earth. Unfortunately, upon landing, the ladies run into some Latverian tourists who aren’t huge fans of Squirrel Girl given that she and their “peerless leader” Doctor Doom had some recent tiffs. Nancy, however, quickly falls for a young Latverian lad by the name of Stefan, and everyone enjoys some dinosaur-themed fun; but, they soon learn that the Savage Lands are in danger.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl continues to be an absolute blast to read from cover to cover. This issue didn’t have much in the way of action, but its focus on Doreen and Nancy’s tight-knit friendship was delightful. And I can’t wait to see what they do next in the Savage Lands.
-Carrie Wood