Voyage to the Stars #2
IDW; $3.99
Voyage to the Stars introduced the only survivors of Earth, which just happens to be made up of misfits. While seeking a weapon to fight back, they found Exemplar – a being that is the chosen savior of the universe. But they accidentally killed him.
In issue 2 (of 5), the Knights Exemplar board their ship and now the team of bumbling idiots will try to Weekend at Bernie’s their way through the meeting. That, and they try to convince the Knights to let them help in the fight against the Nothing.
This series by Ryan Copple and James Asmus is pretty funny. There are some obvious, though amusing gags and a few surprise “what just happened?!” moments. As the artist and colorist Connie Daidone and Reggie Graham, respectively, enhance the comedy through the poses and expressions that come right out of a slapstick playbook.
–Amanda Sheriff