Weird Science-Fantasy #29 Puzzle

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: November 17, 2021|Views: 4|


Renegade Game Studios; $20.00

For many, Frank Frazetta is the standard by which fantasy artists are judged. He’s in everyone’s Hall of Fame. But while he was highly prolific in his career, his comic book output is not necessarily the thing for which he was best known.

That doesn’t mean, however, that his comic book work is obscure.

His cover for EC’s Weird Science-Fantasy #29 has remained in the “iconic” category almost since its original release in the 1950s.

Now it’s been added to Renegade’s EC Comics Puzzle series in the form of a 1,000-piece, approximately 19.7” x 27.6” puzzle. For Frazetta, EC, and general puzzle fans, this is a can’t-miss Christmas or Hanukah gift.

– J.C. Vaughn
