World of Betty and Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #37

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: November 27, 2024|Views: 2|


Archie; $9.99

The holidays are here, let the merriment begin! In the first story, Kardak the Mystic sends Betty and Veronica back in time to revisit a Christmas from their past. In other stories, the girls enjoy every aspect of the season from trimming the tree together to enjoying a snow day. They tackle the stress of the season, have their typical fights over Archie, and help the less fortunate.

The issue is packed with 188 pages of content, making the $9.99 cover price well worth it. It’s a festive, charming issue that will make older readers fondly remember the holidays of their youths and entertain young readers with the exploits of the coolest kids in Riverdale. Archie Comics can always be counted on for holiday issues that are funny, cheery, and heartwarming.

Amanda Sheriff
